Creative Conceptualisation. Omnichannel campaign

Sage Inspirational Hub

Conceptualisation, development and production of an omnichannel influencer campaign to position the Sage brand as the benchmark in digital transformation and business growth. We challenged the usual influencer campaigns to go one step further: We turned the influencers into the protagonists of a cycle of knowledge and inspiration for businessmen and entrepreneurs.

On/Off Communication Campaign

6 international benchmarks
in innovation and management

Juan Merodio

Consultor y divulgador de marketing digital

Eva Collado

Consultora Estratégica 

de Capital Humano

David Moreno

Co-fundador de Hawkers 

y creador de W3ST

Yaiza Canosa

CEO y fundadora de GOI

Gonzalo Tradacete

CEO de Faraday Venture Partners

Chema Nieto

Periodista, emprendedor 

y CEO de Socialnius

We designed a very agile online platform, tailored to the new Sage branding, which includes all the inspirational sessions and extra material such as podcasts, business management tools, self-assessment quizzes…

Inspirational sessions

We conducted truly inspiring online interviews where innovation, creativity, great experiences and innovative ideas flow to create and grow businesses.

On/off communication campaign

In newspapers and magazines





Planner: Cristina Matamala
Production: Andrea Vilalta, Marta Moreda
Creative Conceptualisation: Jaume Balagué
Copywriting: Jaume Balagué, Albert Bazán
Art direction: Miguel Sueiro
Graphic design: Vicky García-Romeral, Bibiana Boix
UX/UI: Vicky García-Romeral
Community management and PR: Sara Constán
Edition and podcast: Albert Bazán

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